January 14, 2011

Calming Down

We calm down a lot!  Several times a day we take deep breaths.  There are four common ways that we use to take deep breathes: being a STAR (stop, take a deep breath, and relax), DRAIN, BALLOON, and PRETZEL. 

this is a drain.  we squeeze our fingers so tight and pretend to be mad.  we have the power to let our feelings go so we take a deep breath, and let those feelings go.

in through the nose

out through the mouth...

breathing in centers

I calm down a lot too! My favorite is a STAR.

He was getting ready to go home, and noticed he needed to calm down.

Calming down helps us to continue to work or use our big voice with someone if we need to solve a problem.

She stopped in the middle of centers to do a balloon.  Our class this year loves to pop the balloon!